Miss Plastic
ProductionsLa Aldea, Nicho Cultural
Bogotá, September 2017
Theatre La Maloka
Villa de Leyva, October 2017
Casa Armando Gutierrez
Bogotá, October 2017
Theatre in Tibasosa
Boyacá, October 2017
Garage Theatre
Bogotá, November 2017
Municipal Theatre, Villa de Leyva
Boyacá, December 2017 – March 2018 – July 2018
Municipal Theatre, Villa de Leyva
Boyacá, December 2017 – March 2018 – July 2018
Prisma, Cultural de Tunja
Boyacá, February 2018
CIAT, Community Theatre, San Luis
Bogotá, March 2018
Gathering of Directors of Girls
Boyacá, April 2018
Claustro San Francisco
Boyacá, May 2018
Cristal is a recycler woman, and wannabe Pop Star. All her clothes, her house and her life are made up of garbage. Her mind, behavior and heart are conditioned by the model of beauty and female behavior that she has been obliged to correspond to.
The protagonist of the play delights herself in a delirious plastic game which hides a dark disease, a psychological disorder, a great sadness that not even Lazaro, her loyal companion is able to console. This play is a channel of transformation for the character and its interpreter, and also for the spectators.
Miss Plastic is a decree of liberation from false ideals, a shout of poetic battle against all the different forms of gender conditioning. It is an invitation to women to shout, fight and dance for a healthier way of self-understanding.
Miss Plástico es un instrumento pedagógico para niños y adolescentes en tanto desvela algunos de los patrones mediáticos que incentivan al consumo a través de la homogenización de la imagen femenina. Esta obra es una invitación aceptar la pluralidad de naturalezas y constituciones de los cuerpos. Es sobre todo en la vulnerabilidad de la pubertad que es importante afianzar el amor propio y la confianza en sí mismo. Para esto el Arte, el Teatro y el humor son un grandioso instrumento.
Miss Plastic can be a pedagogical instrument for children and teenagers, because it unveils some of the media patterns which encourage the consumption through the homogenization of the feminine image. This play is an invitation to accept the plurality of body constitutions and natures. It is very important to reinforce self-loving and trust, especially during the vulnerability of puberty. For this Art, Theatre and humor are great instruments.