“The work Miss Plástico touched my being deeply, I felt identified as a woman and with what as a genre we have lived in many moments of our lives, I felt all my lineage there, in one voice, saying no more, for me it is a call when we wake up from consciousness, accept ourselves as we are, love ourselves and say no to accept the schemes and stereotypes that have gotten us. It is a wonderful work that must be seen! Thanks for creating it. “
“In Mazorca, the internal reflection of how the food you put in your body is part of your life and how you detect that you no longer want the poisoned food is staged. The first contact with food is physical, however, throughout the work is transformed throughout the work in the germination of the emotion of feeding the soul from the food you consume.
“Creative entertainment with a deep message. Each program brings the unique quality of humor, drama and proposes to move the audience through emotions and understanding. “
Such are the rigor, honesty and commitment of Luisa with whom we have the privilege of receiving her yoga lessons or her massages, more than her students, we are her disciples. Hearing it, feeling it and following it is truly an adventure that takes us into the individual and universal consciousness. “